Countdown to Couplehood
...was started before we got married. Now we're Mr. and Mrs. and having fun living our lives as one.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Here comes Santa Claus, Here Comes Santa Claus...
Friday, May 14, 2010
Done with 2010.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Art Blag!
Shameless publicity here.... Check out the blog for the Grove Art Department at
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Looooong delayed!
We have spent the last two weeks back home in Ohio soaking up conversations, memories and hangouts with friends and family. It was wonderful and we so appreciated and needed that two weeks. We spent the first 6 days at Josh and Stacy’s in Cuyahoga Falls and saw as many friends and family as possible. We went to our favorite restaurants (Franklin Square Deli and Lockview), got to spend a morning at Mosaic with our community, and just caught up with people. Christmas Eve was spent in Parma and Lakewood with Steve’s side of the family and included a hilarious family photo, a dying bird, and a great dinner. It was really great to spend time with JoAnn and Steve’s brother Mike and catch up with them in person instead of on the phone. Christmas morning we spent with Josh, Stace, Zig and Murph and had a cozy morning with gifts, monkey bread, and stockings. Steve got his first ever stocking with presents in it and loved every minute of it! Stacer and Josh spoiled us with their love and Steve and I spoiled each other as well. Best gifts of the morning? The “Perfect Brownie Pan” that Steve got me and the flannel and mountain man hat that Josh and Stace got Steve! You’ve never seen a grown man so excited to get flannel and a hat. After packing up we headed down to Columbus to spend the rest of Christmas and the next 6 days with my parents and brother. We were spoiled again by my parents and brother including but not limited to some screaming monkeys who have rubber bands in their arms so you can make them go flying across the room and crash into the wall! Sounds weird, but it was hilarious. The next day both sides of my family came down to do Christmas at my parent’s house. The rest of our days in Columbus we continued to see friends and catch up, spent time relaxing, and even caught a night to go to the Zoo to see the Zoo lights. New Years Eve we headed back to North East Ohio to go downtown Cleveland to celebrate the New Year. We spent a few more days in Hudson at our friend Matt’s watching the OSU Game, hanging out with friends at houses and various restaurants and had another fantastic dinner with the Caspar’s before heading out of town.
It was such an amazing break and it went just slow enough for us to savor it and see as many friends and family as possible. We are glad to be heading back to CT to get settled back into our apartment, we just wish we could take more of Ohio with us!
Even though we were overly ready for Christmas Break we continue to love our jobs at Grove. We have made some really great friends and have really gotten comfortable with our positions in the classrooms and in the dorms. This semester ends mid January and we’ll be starting second semester already! In the art department we are developing new classes for spring including Crafting for Etsy (arts and crafts selling website), Fashion Design and Graphic Design. As well we are working on perfecting an art blog which will allow parents to see what their kids are working on in the art classrooms since we know from experience that not all high school students necessarily communicate with their parents what they’re working on! Steve continues to do great work with his middle school guys and consistently works on building his patience! His guys love him and he often gets “how do you do it?” and “Your dorm is really tough” comments from staff as they are shocked at his patience for these guys. We have both been blessed with really wonderful co-dorm staff who have become really great friends. My dorm will be going through some shifts as a couple girls will be moving out into a dorm which has only 3 female students and no dorm staff and the 3 who were in the more responsible dorm will be moving back into my dorm. If you think about it send a prayer by way of the Emmerich that teenage girl drama wouldn’t ensue as a result of the moves!
Coming Up…
Our one year anniversary is January 24th and we’ll be headed to Boston for the weekend to celebrate and tour the city!
Wedding season for us is beginning! We have one in two weeks, one in April and three in May. We will be doing our best to attend as many as we can.
Spring break begins March 26th and goes through April 11th (plans tbd!)
Saturday, August 29, 2009

Thursday, August 27, 2009
Its that time.
Well Ohio... we'll see ya later. This isn't goodbye, you know we'll be back to visit as often as possible. With all of our family and friends here how can we not. We love you Ohio - and we love, adore, and are amazed by all of our friends and family. We are blown away by the love we've been shown the last few weeks all the way up to early this morning. We love you all - you're with us on our drive and you'll be with us when we get to Connecticut.
Love - The McLaughlins
Friday, August 21, 2009
Sometimes it takes a child....
I tucked the best kids in the world into bed tonight for the last time in at least a really long time. I have been babysitting Katie, Henry, Joseph and Andrew since Katie and Henry were 8 months old, and Joseph and Andrew were 3 1/2 years old. Needless to say, I will miss them... a lot. These four kids continuously make me smile, laugh, and feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It is impossible to not fall in love with these kids. Its true, they have me wrapped around their little fingers.
Its true, Joseph and Andrew are now cool 7 year olds who around any other people won't show me any affection. I get it, they're going into 2nd grade! You can't act like you like girls in 2nd grade :) But tonight, they both gave me hugs, told me they'd miss me, and told me they'd love me. I don't try to cuddle with them, because I most certainly don't want to embarrass them! But its nice when I get a moment to just talk to Andrew or Joseph when they're not around anyone else because they tell me what they're excited about. They have things they want to tell me and want to brag about, they just want to make sure no one else is looking. I also think I've gained points over the years because I have a slight knowledge of Star Wars, Bakugan, Pokeman and other boy things! Watch out when these boys get to High School Mike and Elena... they will be breaking hearts and setting records for their sports teams!
Over the years I've spent a little more time with Katie and Henry because of so many "9-1" mornings when the boys were in school. I remember when I first started, they couldn't walk yet, and I'd go upstairs to get them from naps and have to carry them downstairs one in each arm. If I wasn't good at multi-tasking before watching Katie and Henry I'm amazing now! I will never forget how they loved Avacado, and watching them move from sitting, to crawling, to standing, to running.... to swinging on the swings, swimming in the pool, and chasing after their brothers during keep-away in the backyard. These two still love to cuddle with me, still give me hugs no matter whos watching, and still have their little kid laughs that make you smile no matter what mood you're in.
These kids are family to me. They were at our wedding, and make me smile when I saw them walking down the aisle. They have made me a part of their life and have become a part of mine. I've always felt comfortable, welcomed and trusted by Mike and Elena which totally allows me to relax and love their kids the best I can. I will miss them all immensely, and you can bet when we come home to visit we'll be stopping by to see my kids :)