So I’ve been trying to figure out what I wanted to say in my first real update since being married. I know… we haven’t been married a month and I’m already over thinking my writing like my HUSBAND. (j/k baby!)
HUSBAND…. What a crazy, fun new thing to say. Its still unbelievable to me that I can say Steve is my husband, that he doesn’t have to go to his own home at the end of the night, and how natural all the transitions have felt. The morning after the wedding it already felt normal to wake up next to him. There are some moments I catch myself wondering if we’re missing something, or if we missed a step somewhere that would things feel abnormal! But then I thin about when Ted told us in pre-marital hang-out that we were doing all the work of being married with none of the rewards and I think I finally believe him! (I mean… I always believe you Ted!) Its truly been amazing to come home to Steve or have him come home to me to cook us dinner to decorate our apartment, to call everything “ours.”
Now while I saw everything has felt natural, it hasn’t come without a few surprises about this boy I live with! I won’t share about his dirty laundry (figuratively and literally) but there are some funny annoyances that I’ve realized come with getting married and moving in. And I’m sure Steve would say that his annoyances about me come from a) noticing his funny “boy traits” and 2) the amount of stuff I have (which is more compared to him, but not a lot compared to other people I know). One of the funniest moments of unpacking was finding a half empty box of Steve’s who’s contents included a watering can, a can of gravy, a slinky and one other ridiculous item. Ask Steve about it, he’ll tell you how it made sense in his brain. There are a few other things that Steve does that are out of my realm and so they make me crack up when they happen. For instance, when setting up the bathroom, I walked in to put something in the medicine cabinet and noticed a “pope on a rope” and “wash away your sins” bath kit had appeared as decorations. Whaaaat??!?!
And then there are the sweet things he does like rubbing my shoulders when I’ve been working on my computer for a bit, or jumping out of bed to turn the fan on when I’m already warm and snuggle, or buying me pepper spray to keep me safe when walking to and from out apartment by myself at night.
Whether we’re laughing at the “i love geeks” book, or crying because we’re laughing so hard at something stupid, or trying to hide from each other in our super tiny apartment when we’re having a stupid fight… I wouldn’t change it for the world. (And I hope Steve feels the same!)
We have loved and laughed more in the last 3.5 weeks than in maybe the last 3.5 years. I love being the Mrs. to Steve’s Mr.
Also… our wedding rocked ☺