Its not that I've abandoned you. Its just that my summer job doesn't permit me to be on the computer all the time like subbing did. I promise I'll come back to you soon, once I get time to breathe. I've got a couple ideas for you, I really do! Honestly, I'm surprised Stacy hasn't started harassing me about the fact that I haven't posted anything for a while. Oh - but I will post a few cute pictures of Zig-Face, because I was lucky enough to take a lot of pictures of him and his cute family in his first few days in our world. And he rocks - so here you go. Meet Ziggie Thomas Pietrocini!
Love you blogger... I'll write something more meaningful soon!
Cute cute cute kid!
Hey Movie Star picture...
Look how tiny he is!!
Three men and a baby.
Zig's reaction "WHOA, there's a lot going on right now"
Oh come on, we're cute together.
Hannah is super proud of her little baby brother!
Typical... glad I caught this moment :)